3 Articles
12 Games
Articles related to PlayStation 4
Skyforge celebrates fifth anniversary with new expansion
Mar 12, 2020
Skyforge is celebrating its fifth anniversary with huge new expansion coming March 25 for PC and March 26 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
The upcoming expansion will include the following features:
Phytonide Invasion: new invasion pass and rewards
Spring is in bloom, and so are the...
The Elder Scrolls Online Update 25 will require a complete redownload of the game
Feb 13, 2020
The Elder Scrolls Online has a new update coming on February 24 for PC and Mac (March 10 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) that will require every player tom completeley redownload the whole game. The update completely overhauls how the ESO game client is downloaded, patched, and stored on local hard...
PlanetSide 2 Escalation update introduces the Bastion Fleet Carrier
Feb 8, 2020
Update 5/3: The update is now scheduled for March 11th.
Update 26/2: The patch has been delayed again, no date is currently announced.
Update 17/2: The patch has been delayed until Wednesday, February 26th.
Since the closure of PlanetSide Arena the resources and manpower found their way...
Games on PlayStation 4

PlanetSide 2
PlanetSide 2 is a revolutionary massive scale first-person shooter where soldiers battle as one in strategic, targeted missions against enemy empires in an...
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Uncharted Waters Online
Voyage across the globe and through the ages, exploring the empty corners of the map. Discover lost civilizations and artefacts, command a lucrative trading...
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