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Crowfall introduces the Aracoix Knight NPC

Crowfall introduces the Aracoix Knight NPC

MMOEdge Posted by MMOEdge on Feb 12, 2020

In the latest dev diary from Crowfall we are introduced to a new adversary in the Aracoix war tribe camps, this new tank-like class will be joining the existing assassins and druids at these camps.

The Aracoix Knight has an arsenal of talents and abilities at his disposal, making him a formidable opponent. As a Knight, his repertoire includes a variety of frontal attacks and shield maneuvers designed to slash, crush and stun his opponents. Their racial ability, “Swoop”, lets them launch themselves in a missle-like zoom towards their targets for a quick attack. Since they are similar to the Fae talents-wise, fighting them is a great way to hone and improve your tactical skills for facing off against the Fae in battle.

Source: crowfall.com

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