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Allods Online previews Update 11.0 The Soul of Darkness

Allods Online previews Update 11.0 The Soul of Darkness

MMOEdge Posted by MMOEdge on Feb 10, 2020

Allods Online has published a preview the next update titled The Soul of Darkness. The update promises to continue the story of Update 8.0 and will feature between five and eight hours of gameplay including a final four-boss battle that will take place in Nihaz’s Citadel and take between thirty and forty minutes to clear.

The update will also include changes to the games stronghold mechanics. The changes are intended to make interacting with them more convenient and valuable for all guild members.

Other updates include the maximum level of professions will increase to 90, artifacts owned will fade and partially weaken, spark experience will be buffed, dragonic aspect and much more. You can read the full details here and the trailer below.

Source: my.com

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