Albion Online Queen Patch 4 live
by MMOEdge on Feb 19, 2020
The latest patch to Albion Online is now live bringing a number of improvements and changes to elite dungeons as well a numerous other fixes.
Foremost among these are improvements to Avalonian enemies, dungeons, and armor. Here's just a small selection of what's changed:
- Appearance of Avalonian armor now changes based on tier
- Overall polishing and improvement of Elite Dungeon environments
- Clearer Avalonian enemy spell and spell area effects
- Improved audio for Avalonian enemies and Elite Dungeons
- Improved minimaps for all major cities, including their banks, Marketplaces, and Conquerors' Halls
- Extensive streamlining and improvement of loot, guild, combat area, and island move UIs
You can read the full list of changes on the official patchnotes page.
The patch also incldes a Memorial Statue at the destroyed Caerleon Realmgate in honor of those who fought off the Avalonian Invasion. It honors the top three guilds of the Standalone Season.
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